Ovulation Q&A: OPKs, BBT, Cervical Mucus, and more!

Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, answers your ovulation questions. Understanding your cycle and specifically your ovulation is key when you are trying to conceive. It's important to know that if something is off, you should get evaluated.

Questions Answered:

What is the ovulatory process?

What is the follicular phase?

What is the luteal phase?

What is an irregular period?

Is it normal for LH numbers to fluctuate?

How should you use an OPK?

When should you see a fertility doctor?

What is cervical mucus?

What is BBT?

When do you have intercourse if you detect type four cervical mucus?


Fertility Q&A-IVF


Fertility Q&A - Uterus and Fallopian Tubes