Understanding Your Body: Fertility Doctor Answers Questions About Your Uterus & Tubes & TTC

Double board-certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, answers your questions about the uterus and tubes and getting pregnant. Understanding your reproductive anatomy is so important to being able to make decisions that are right for you.

Questions answered:

How does the uterus form?

What is a uterine septum?

What is an HSG test?

What is a bicornuate uterus?

What are pregnancy complications with a bicornuate and septate uterus?Should you remove a uterine septum?

What is Ashermann’s syndrome?

What test is done to find it?

What causes Ashermann’s?

What are the symptoms of Ashermann’s?

Should it be removed?

What is a unicornuate uterus?

How can it impact fertility?

What is a laparoscopy with chromotubation?

Should you go straight to IVF?


Fertility Research Updates: AMH, PCOS, Vitamin D, Periods and the Lunar Cycle


Understanding Your Hormones and Reproductive Health