PCOS Treatment

Dr. Natalie Crawford discusses how to treat PCOS through lifestyle factors and medication. This episode includes lifestyle factors that can impact PCOS such as diet, exercise, and sleep. She also discusses medications that treat PCOS symptoms including Metformin, the birth control pill, inositol, and more. PCOS is a chronic disease that will require lifelong management. Understanding your body and knowing what lifestyle factors and medications work best for you is so important.

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Don't forget to ask your questions on Instagram for next week’s For Fertility’s Sake segment when you see the question box on Natalie’s page @nataliecrawfordmd. You can also ask a question by calling in and leaving a voicemail. Call 657–229–3672 and ask your fertility question today!

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Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea: How To Get Your Period Back and Heal FHA


Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea: Part 1- What is FHA? Do You Have It? What Is The Diagnosis?